The Rock Hotel - Gibraltar

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Owner -
Marquis of Bute
Open -
Stars - ****
Rooms -
104 - US$144 - $644
Guests -
Winston Churchill, Errol Flynn, Alec Guinness and Sean Connery and Diane Cilento, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Dwight Eisenhower, The Platters, Roger Moore, David Cameron, John Major, Charles, Prince of Wales, Haile Selassie, Alec Guinness
History -
British Navy excercises - Slightly damaged during the Spanish Civil War - Also when a British munitions ship blew up in 1951
Signature -
Gin on the Rock - Prawns with saffron sauce - Moroccan pastila
Tales -
The invasion of North Africa was planned here - BBC's New Tricks was shot here.
Claim to Fame -
John and Yoko exchanged their wedding vows here.
Renovated -
Feature -
Sunsets, Weddings (Churchill's daughter Sarah was married here)
View -
The Pillars of Hercules across the Bay to Africa
High Tea -
On the Wisteria Terrace with Teas from Ahmad Teas of London
Facilities -
Sea water Pool - Garden
Unique -
Wall of Fame
Restaurants -
Mediterranean, Moorish, Iberian, Moroccan and British, Engkish Breakfast
Bars -
Lounge Bar, Pool Bar
Sights -
Rock, Tunnels, Museums, Day trip to Morocco
Extra -
See Morocco / Spain / Rome 2 Rome / Gibraltar in 'Countries' and 'Journeys'.