La Mere Poulard - Mont-Saint-Michel

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Open -
1st Owners -
Annette and Victor Poulard, they are buried together at the foot of the Abbey and the epitaph on their grave stone reads “Here lie Annette and Victor Poulard, good spouses, good hoteliers. May the Lord welcome them as they welcomed their guests.”
Stars - ***
Guests -
King Leopold II of Belgium, King Edward VIl, President Theodore Roosevelt, Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau, Leon Trotsky, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Charles Lindbergh, Alan Shepard, Paul Bocuse, Prince and Princess Takamatsu of the Japanese Imperial Family, Numerous Russian Princes and Princesses in exile after the revolutions of 1905 and 1917, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterand, General Patton, General Bradley, Field Marshal Montgomery, Ernest Hemingway, Maurice Chevalier, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Andre Malraux, Claudette Colbert, Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth, Lauren Bacall, Glenn Close, Clark Gable, Yves Montand, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Charlton Heston, Woody Allen, Sophie Marceau, Charlotte Rampling, Eva Longoria, Arthur Rubinstein, Édith Piaf, Jean-Michel Jarre, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent. That's one hell of a guest list, those omelettes must have been awefully good.
History -
Annette was a wonderful host who welcomed the poor equally with the rich and famous.
Signature -
World famous puff omelette invented by Annette who was a great chef. The recipe has been kept secret for 130 years. Margaret Thatcher and Francois Mitterand enjoyed one here during a meeting together.
Rooms -
27 @ US$346 - $641
Tales -
Annette was a stickler for the house rules. All meals were to be taken in the dining room upstairs. One day King Leopold II of Belgium wanted to have his breakfast outside. Annette politely but firmly told him he would have to go upstairs to have it.
Claim to Fame -
Check out the guest list
Innovations -
Hospitality that brought the well known and the unknown to their door
Feature -
Great location
View -
The Bay, The Abbey or the Medieval City
Facilities -
24 hour desk, shop selling regional gourmet products
Unique -
Annete asked guests to leave a momento of their travels. This practice continues to the present day.
Restaurant -
Pays homage to Annette's wonderful culinary heritage
Bar -
Piano Bar overlooking the bay
Sights -
Mont-Saint-Michel a UNSECO world heritage site since 1979, plenty to see around the old medieval town, Hiking (don't get caught out by the tides and the sticky mud)
Visas -
France is a Schengen Country
New Entry Requirements for Travel into EU in 2025
Extra -
See France in 'Countries A - L' and Paris in 'Cities'.
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