Abbasi Hotel - Isfahan

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Open -
1st Owner -
Sultan Husayn's mother
Rooms -
225 @ US$217 - $833
Stars - ****
Tips -
Stay in the Old Wings
You haven't been to Isfahan if you haven't stayed here. It will be a cherished memory
History -
Originally a Caravanserai on the Silk Road.
In the 1900's it was used as a military complex.
In the 1950's a French archaeologist working in Iran decided to fight for it's restoration
Signature -
The Persian Garden
Claims to Fame -
Is the oldest hotel in Iran and the Middle East and Central Asia
The 1974 film And then there were none, starring Oliver Reed and Elke Sommer was shot here -
The Middle East's most beautiful hotel
View -
"Half the World" - The city of Isfahan from the rooftop restaurant
High Tea -
The Traditional Teahouse serves a variety of teas, herbal drinks and Ash Reshte (a thick soup)
Facilities -
11 multi purpose function rooms - pool, sauna, gym, jacuzzi, massage service, Internet, 24 hour desk
Unique -
Interior design elements and the atmosphere it provides
Restaurants -
Chehelsotoun the main restaurant holds 400 people and is a living museum
The Brealfast Hall is a work of art
Naghsh-i-Jahan coffee shop, more works of art - the traditional Sofrehkhaneh serving meals in the garden
Chashmandaz Restaurant the rooftop star of the show that gives you 360 degree views of this most amazing of cities
Bars -
Alcohol is illegal in Iran
Sights -
Isfahan is one of the world's great cities and there is a lot to see.