· Don't leave your travelling until it's too late. The more you see of the world the more you realise just how much else there is to see. And it takes time and energy. Two things you're running out of as you get older.
· Having said that it's never too late to start either. The important thing is to stop putting it off and take a leap of faith. You'll never regret it. With cheap airfares and everything online it's never been easier. Gap years are very popular and a great idea.
· I believe that if instead of national service the money it cost was used for young people to travel, the world would be a much better place. It's very hard to have narrow, racist views about foreigners when they have treated you so well when you were visiting them in their country. We also might respect the planet a little more instead of basing every decision on the almighty dollar.
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Nothing beats the enthusiastic smiles on the kids faces - Mekong Delta, Vietnam
· There are a lot of activities we can enjoy more when we are younger and fitter. Trekking and climbing things are a lot easier. Not to mention bungee jumping and hang gliding. Plus, we can put up with discomfort a lot easier. Romance is more fun and you may meet your future life partner. We make friends easier. We even learn languages better. And if travel broadens the mind, it means we live a life having a broader mind. Which has to be a good thing.
· Once the travel bug has bitten, you will want to keep on travelling. There is nothing worse than thinking why didn't I do this 40 years ago. We can't turn the clock back.
· Another reason to start early is to have some life experience before you settle down for 25 years and have a few kids. Nothing to stop you taking the kids along on your adventures before they start school of course. Kids love travel and they are treated as something special by the locals. It's great for their education and gives them confidence. It also shows them what is out there and gives them a few ideas about what they can aim for with their studies and their future.
· At the end of the day though age is just a number. Some people are old by the time they are 10. Some are are still immature in their 80's. As Walt Disney said "That’s the real trouble with the world. Too many people grow up". If you’re young at heart and have an open mind you will reap all the rewards of travel.