Dark Tourism is a thing these days. It is associated with visiting places that have been historically linked to death and tragedy. Many of these places would be valid tourist destinations because of that history. And some of them are facinating and horrific at the same time. Museums that record and preserve mans inhumanity towards man and his stupidity. It important to go to these places to learn about what happened and to be a voice for never letting it happen again.
· One third of the world's countries are littered with landmines, not to mention Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) from cluster bombs. And in recent times it has only gotten worse. They still dig up unexploded bombs from WW2 and Germany has thousands of them. So be careful where you go wandering in old and new war zones. Cluster bombs are still being used as this is written and land mines always will be.
· Going downtown in large US cities can be a scary experience in itself. Wandering into the wrong neighbourhood in Brazil is a dangerous thing to do. You can do organised tours (for security) to the favelas (slums), soccer and a night club on the edge of a favela.
· In Manila you used to be able to tour Smoky Mountain, the local dump where people somehow made a living out of the garbage. That has been replaced by a slum tour. You can also participate in Outbreak Manila where you are chased around by zombies. Or you could reenact Easter by joining the other Jesus's and get nailed to a cross.
· Then there is the Vegetarian Festival in Phuket where they skewer themselves like a shish kebab. Have a look at the festivals section and you'll find a few examples of extreme behaviour. If nothing else you should have a few good stories to tell when you get home.
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Line of Death - Rocinha favela, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
· Mother nature can be extreme too. Go to Africa and get scared by wild animals. Or hang around Hurricane Alley or the Typhoon zone at the wrong time of year. See if you can catch an earthquake somewhere on the Pacific Rim of Fire. Head up north and see what 40 below is like. Or go on a cruise to Antarctica. Swim with White Pointers or Whale Sharks or take a camel out into the desert and enjoy the stars.
· And once you've had your adventures you can laze around the pool or the beach on that idyllic tropical island feeling good about yourself and start embellishing your stories.