· After health this is number two on your list of priorities. You won't get far without your passport and money. If you do lose your passport you will have to go back to the capital to get a new one. This could be thousands of kilometers away and take days. This is why you should have a secret stash of US cash locked away in your main pack.
· If you are going out drinking don't take your valuables with you. As soon as you check into your hotel put your money pouch / belt, in the room safe or their safety box. Any other valuables lock in your main pack when you leave the room.
· Don't carry your wallet in your back pocket and never leave it sitting on the bar or table. Don't leave your purse or hand bag unattended either.
· After health this is number two on your list of priorities. You won't get far without your passport and money. If you do lose your passport you will have to go back to the capital to get a new one. This could be thousands of kilometers away and take days. This is why you should have a secret stash of US cash locked away in your main pack.
· If you are going out drinking don't take your valuables with you. As soon as you check into your hotel put your money pouch / belt, in the room safe or their safety box. Any other valuables lock in your main pack when you leave the room.
· Don't carry your wallet in your back pocket and never leave it sitting on the bar or table. Don't leave your purse or hand bag unattended either.
Public Wi-Fi isn't secure - you might need a VPN
· Always use the chain latch on the inside of your hotel room door. I sometimes build a booby trap when there isn't one. It's not just paranoia. If you get into the habit of looking after your security automatically you will make it harder for people to rob you. Sometimes these people might be the maid, your fellow travellers or the hotel manager. And just because a room is expensive doesn't mean you're not at risk or the fact that you're in the room.
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The solid gold buddha in Bangkok has an interesting back story - Wat Trai Mit, Thailand
· When you're walking through crowded touristy areas it doesn't hurt to put your hand on your wallet and phone or camera and slip your day pack around to your chest. Just take enough cash for what you need for the day and if you lose the lot, no big deal tomorrow's another day.
· Two credit cards are handy and you can swap spare cards with your travelling companion so you have a backup.
· Always get your luggage out of the boot before paying the taxi driver. Never leave things sitting around when you are out and about. Always have a quick look when you check out off a room, get out of a taxi, leave a bar or restaurant etc just to make sure you didn't leave anything.
· All of your bookings will be on your phone and online and can't be lost or stolen. When you go to the airport all you have to do is show them your passport and they have your flight details in the computer. It doesn't hurt to carry a hard copy of everything.
· Leave your bling at home. If you walk around displaying your wealth somebody will come along and relieve you of it. Same for big flashy watches. If something is precious or has a lot of sentimental value don't take it with you.
· Finally, as soon as you book your ticket get some travel insurance to cover you if something goes wrong and you have to change your plans. Always make sure your hotel bookings have free cancellation if possible. Check and see if you get free Travel Insurance on your credit card.