· If you've read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - well done for a start. It was a tough one to get through. Hard as it was to understand, what I took from it was that "Quality" is pretty much the answer to everything.
· If that's the case we should try to make all of our decisions and experiences while travelling, quality ones. Avoiding rip offs, getting good value for money, giving a-holes a wide berth, staying in clean, comfortable hotels and enjoying cheap delicious street food perfected over generations as opposed to some expensive place with flash décor and crap food.
· Learning something about the history and culture of a place rather than only seeing the regular tourist traps. Having a positive impression on a place and people rather than them thinking you are the typical ignorant tourist stereotype.
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The Oriental Hotel, Bangkok - one of the world's best
·Try to get off of the beaten track and get to areas that hardly see any travellers. It's not always easy but you'll be rewarded by seeing the true heart of the people. These memories will stay with you a lot longer than what you got up to at the beach resort.
· None of us are perfect and it's easy to accidentally cause offence when you first visit a place but most locals know this and give you a lot of leeway. And we are there to have fun. It doesn't hurt to remember you are a guest sometimes. Taking the effort to learn a little of the local ways and language will go a long way towards quality experiences with the locals.