· Odysseus spent 20 years getting home. You probably won't take that long but that doesn't mean your trip can't be filled with adventure and discovery. It's great to laze around the pool for a while but if that's all you want to do you might as well stay at home and book a room at the local Hilton. Travel is all about finding new things, trying new things and meeting new people. It's not always good but it's never boring and it is full of lifelong highlights.
· Words related to odyssey are trek, expedition, sojourn, quest, exploration, adventure, pilgrimage, excursion and voyage. Your trip should have elements of all of these. Jump in at the deep end and be surprised how well you swim.
· Try to make your trip as long as possible. It often takes a month just to get work and modern day living out of your system. Once you get in the zone, you’ll just take everything in your stride.
· Be ready to try new things, say yes to almost anything and get out of your comfort zone. You'll feel fully alive for possibly the first time as well as being happy and fit. Being on the move all of the time does wonders for your health. Opportunities too good to turn down will constantly present themselves. Learn how to dive in pristine, warm waters full of tropical fish and colourful coral reefs. Climb mountains, stay with local tribes, paddle through the Amazon Jungle, go surfing in world class El Salvador, it's all out there for you.
· There are many pilgrimages and walking trails that travellers and pilgrims like to complete. They can be as simple as a few hours climb up to the top of Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka to trekking for 6 months up the length of the US with all of your belongings on your back.
· In Japan you can walk back in time staying in little inns in little villages along the Nakasendo Way. You could follow the Camino de Santiago (The Way of St James) across Spain which has numerous starting points depending on how far you want to walk. You could do the 5-day trek up to Machu Picchu. Nepal is a great place for a walk. You don't spend a lot of money when you're walking all day and just think how fit and healthy you'll feel at the end.
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The adventure bus - Baja California, Mexico
· Getting back to nature is important to see what natural highlights different places have to offer. Camping, kayaking, trekking, village home stays are good ways to get off the beaten track. Seeing the different seasons can be amazing. Even looking up at the sky when there are no city lights to dilute the stars will remind you of our place in the universe.
· Natures wonders like the Northern Lights, Southern Lights, Horizontal Falls, Epic Tides, Staircase to the Moon, Bioluminescent Plankton, Jellyfish Lake, Fireflies, Sun Halo's, Salt Flats, Geysers, Rainbow Mountains, Volcanoes and Pink Lakes etc, not to mention all of the flora and fauna as well. Each continent is unique and needs to be explored.
· By getting out of your comfort zone and testing yourself you will get more confidence and belief in your potential and abilities.