· Ignorance of the law is no defence where ever you go. Many first-time travellers to Thailand think it's a bit of a free for all and anything goes. They might be surprised to find out that gambling is illegal and they could end up in jail for having a small bet on a game of dominos.
· Most countries have similar laws but some don't enforce them as rigidly. This may give the impression that anything goes but you are still at risk. Muslim countries can be very strict with death penalties for drug offences. Hugging or kissing in Dubai will get you jail time. Swearing can get you deported. In Saudi Arabia you can be beheaded, get your hands cut off, get stoned (the bad way) and whipped for various offences. Including the unusual crimes of adultery, abandoning your religion, theft and witchcraft. Malaysia's opposition leader was put in jail because of sodomy charges which can earn you 20 years in prison there. In Laos there are laws forbidding physical relationships between Lao women and foreign men unless they are registered and a dowry has been paid.
· So, it pays to know the local laws and to abide by them. Play up a bit in the fun countries where you are not putting your liberty at risk and behave in the stricter ones. Don't carry anything illegal over borders. It's a pointless risk because whatever it is you are carrying you can pick it up in the next country anyway. This is not the way to earn extra money to finance your travels.
· Just being a foreigner somewhere can make you guilty, because if you weren't there the problem wouldn't have happened. Also being a foreigner, you are rich and money solves most problems. This is why it is best to have a local driver. You don't want to be explaining yourself to a crowd of angry locals that has gathered around you at the site of an accident. Whether it be damaged vehicles, livestock or worse. You will always be the one who pays.
· If it is you versus a local pleading your case to the police you are at a distinct disadvantage. Language being a major one as well as various cultural issues. So, it's best to have fun and stay out of trouble. Turn the other cheek if you have to. Don't mix alcohol with potential danger. Avoid responsibilities. Stay out of other people’s problems. Don't get involved with public misbehaviour. Don't buy illegal substances. Don't participate in illegal activities. It's not rocket science.
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Not where you want to spend your holiday - Lyudao Prison, Green Island, Taiwan
· If you do get in trouble that you can't get out of by greasing a few palms, contact your embassy. They won't be able to do much if you've broken the law but they can contact your family and provide some advice and support.
· Be careful about taking photos around sensitive government areas, buildings, embassies, military bases, demonstrations and borders etc. And these days be very careful when filming with a drone. It's very easy to get absorbed in the subject you're photographing and be completely oblivious to something as large as the US Embassy in Manila😁. It's also nice to ask for people's permission before photographing them.
· Some countries have fake policemen. If you are dubious about their qualifications ask to see their badge and get them to take you to the station. Or make a lot of noise and they might run away.
· Try to stay out of trouble and let things go. Be patient and walk away if you have to. You'll thank yourself later.